Concrete is the material of choice for most dumpster pads, loading docks, ramps, and walkways because the material has a greater capacity to bear loads as well as provide a smooth, rigid edge.

concrete walkway repair bostonU.S. Pavement Services offers a full slate of installation, repair, and replacement options for all of your concrete needs.

Concrete Walkways & Pads

Concrete, as an inflexible material, has a greater capacity to bear loads as well as providing a smooth, rigid edge.  For this reason, concrete is the material of choice for most dumpster pads, loading docks, and walkways.  In addition to the installation of new walks and pads, we also offer a full menu of concrete repair and replacement scopes to fit any situation.

concrete walkway installation

Concrete Ramps & Loading Docks

Entry to your building or facility depends greatly on the access from your parking lot.  Concrete ramps must be built to code (ADA and other requirements) as well as neatly match with the existing walkway and asphalt surface. We also offer ramp services such as installation of indicator panels and paint markings.

Curbing – Asphalt, Granite & Concrete

Curbing is used to differentiate parking areas from roadways, sidewalks, landscaping, and to control the flow of water from the parking area to the storm drain system.

Our crews are well-trained to handle any size curbing installation or curbing removal and replacement project.

Structures & Other Concrete Needs

Beyond the traditional concrete scopes, we offer installation of concrete structures (such as bollards and car stops) to retaining walls and decks.  Our in-house crews are ready for any project – large or small.



Watch U.S. Pavement Services, Inc. in-house concrete & construction crews in action.  See unique perspectives, angles, and footage for concrete & concrete walkway installations.  For more information about our parking lot services, please call 1-800-PAVEMENT.


http://Service%20overview%20brochure Download our commercial services overview & capabilities brochure below.


http://Concrete%20overview%20video Concrete crews in action – part of our heavy paving services overview videos