Milling is a process used to plane or scarify the pavement surface to an appropriate depth before it is covered with a new layer of asphalt.


We can handle any size milling job with precision and expertise.  Milling is a process used to plane or scarify the pavement surface to an appropriate depth before it is covered with a new layer of asphalt. Once the milling is finished and the overlay is completed, the pavement area has been completely replaced, without the cost or time to excavate for removal.  Milling is an excellent way to maintain or alter existing grades and reducing project completion times.  Not all parking lots or roads are right for milling.  To find out if milling is an appropriate choice for your project – give us a call at 1-800-PAVEMENT (800-728-3636) and one of our trained pavement specialists will perform a professional site evaluation for you.milling machine


Reclaiming significantly reduces haul away and excavation costs.  We can transform your cracked or failed parking area into a reusable bituminous base that will provide added strength to your new asphalt construction.  Stabilization will turn an unstable ground into a hard cement-like base by using a process of water, cement, and lime that is mixed and pulverized with your existing ground. This approach will provide a completely new surface base for the pavement area.


Watch U.S. Pavement Services, Inc. in-house milling crews in action – part of our Paving & Milling overview video series.  See unique perspectives, angles, and footage related to our milling & reclamation division.  For more information about our parking lot services, please call 1-800-PAVEMENT.


http://Service%20overview%20brochure Download our commercial services overview & capabilities brochure below


http://Milling%20Overview%20Video Milling crews in action – part of our Paving & Milling service overview videos