From eliminating liability issues to creating new parking lots and roadways, our heavy paving division is uniquely positioned to handle any and all of your paving needs.
Patching & Pothole Repairs
Patching Repairs are a cost-effective way of eliminating further damage, liability, deterioration, and pavement-related headaches. Repairing compromised areas of the asphalt surface before liability issues can avoid fraudulent and unreasonable injury settlements. Learn more about our Patching and Pothole Repair and Infrared Asphalt Repair capabilities.
Overlay & Resurfacing
A paving overlay is a common resurfacing option which extends the life of your parking lot while being much less expensive than reclamation or repaving. An overlay adds new life to older asphalt, repairs flaws, and adds structural strength to the existing surface by adding a new layer of pavement to the top – giving it that brand-new appearance.
Expansion & New Paving
Our expertise in paving extends to constructing new parking areas, roadways, and expansions & additions. Our paving crews and team of skilled project managers will get the job done right and on schedule to meet your needs.
Reclamation & Repaving
Repaving options include removal and complete repaving, milling and overlay, and pulverization and paving. These options depend on the extent of the pavement’s failure. Reclamation options like milling and pulverization usually allow for a more economical option to accomplish complete pavement replacement.
Watch U.S. Pavement Services in-house paving crews in action – part of our Paving & Milling service overview video series. See unique perspectives and footage for paving, overlay paving, expansion paving, and walkway paving. For more information about our parking lot services, please call 1-800-PAVEMENT.
Download our commercial services overview & capabilities brochure below
July 6, 2021
Project Profile: Kohl's Warwick, RI
Kohl's has used our top-of-the-line services for a few of their parking lot redos this summer and it is easy to see why. Shoppers want to come back to something nice and familiar and not a run down parking lot weathered by the New England climate for a year and a half.
June 15, 2021
Project Profile: Staples Corporate HQ
Staples needed to redo their entire parking lot system and we were happy to oblige before their workforce returns from remote work due to the COVID Crisis and we were happy to oblige to make a seamless return to the office for their throngs of employees.